March 29, 2013

About us and the blog

Kenobi: If you did not have it yet and someone gave you life for your birthday, it would be an amazing gift…  it has been for 50 years, and I am looking forward to its continuing adventure.

Krho: I am a recovering workaholic and nerd, who likes dance, martial arts, travel, tea, flowers and writing, citizen of the world, with a passion for Nutella - with a spoon. In general, see, smell, taste, feel, experience. Explore life.

Choci: I am Choci, daughter of Kenobi and Krho, who keeps telling me that my parents are nuts but that’s OK, because I won’t realize it until I am 15 (13 more years to go). I have a superpower: I can detect chocolate in any type of wrapping, any shape, any color, at high distance (hence my nickname for this adventure). I like to laugh and to explore, naps on mum and dad, and catching the cat’s tail. Also, not sure about what “no” means – it’s funny though.

Other inhabitants of our household:

Sir Odysseus Shakelton: I am a very fluffy and cuddly cat, master of meditation, expert in contemplation. Let’s be clear: I do not nap – I ponder. Oh yes, one more thing. Would I try to catch your tail? No! So don’t try to catch mine.

Calypso:  The dog. I don’t know, but my people say I am a very good dog…  even though I like cat food better than my own.

Allofem: the fishes. Loads of them.

Language: Some of the posts will be in French. For those of you who cannot read the wonderful language of Baudelaire, no worry. The French posts will be mostly 2am pseudo philosophical ramblings that are best appreciated if you were born with a beret and a liking for “Tête de veau ravigote” (for the Texans – don’t try it. It’s basically goat brain with weird mayonnaise – kind of).

Disclaimer: This is the section where we ask you to click on the “agree” button, the tiny legal prints you never read, and that basically tell you that we are not responsible for anything, ever, from the creation of the earth to the end of time, even stuff that was in our control.  Please agree.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving every second of watching you all travel. Photos speak!
