March 29, 2013

Krho, Kenobi and Choci go on a worldwide trip: Intro and other random stuff

This blog is for all of our family, friends, and colleagues, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.  Whether taking a break at 2:00am after hours of Excel and PowerPoint (with many more to go), or having morning coffee while listening to music at 9:30am.  While we know it will be difficult, we will try to keep it at least as entertaining as your basic Yahoo article: “five blunders to avoid on a first date” or the latest Facebook pictures of your school friends, or surfing the internet for pictures of girls with big brains.  J  (note - if it is 2:00 am and you are in the office… you can probably skip the five blunders article…)

About our trip: We are not sure, but are considering Japan, Australia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Iceland. The only specific plan we have so far is a plane ride to Tokyo March 27th. The rest is adventure.

Why on earth are we writing this blog? We are not big fans of spreading our life publicly like chocolate paste on a toasty muffin, but so many of our friends said things like “That sounds great, I would like to do that. Could you send us updates?”  or “Send us pictures so we can live vicariously!” that we finally decided to create this blog.  Thought process?  We only live once… best not to do it vicariously!  (That said – we deeply hope to be reincarnated… as flying squirrels.)

While all of the comments we received might have been similar to “How are you” where the expected answer is “Fine thanks you?”, if you really would like to do it, our answer is come join us...  life is too short not to.  Shut down this web page, send us an email and get on a plane!

Krho & Kenobi

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