May 16, 2013

Choci's 2nd Birthday

Dear very tall friends,

Two days ago was my birthday. I liked it very much. It took me a bit of time to get my cake - I tried to crawl across the table to get it, but had to wait for mum and dad to put on candles (kind of a weird thing to do when you just want to eat it), then I had to blow the candles out (ok - that was fun). Daddy carefully cut the cake but hey, it was my birthday, and I wanted the whole cake, right? Not just those little slices!  It was so good that I quit using my fork and went in head first. Yummy!

Then I got to open presents. I had a very nice camera (parental addition: Choci proof -  shockproof, and waterproof). I still try to take Mum's camera and Dad's IPhone though - that's too much fun, but I do like taking pictures.  I have lots already...

I also got glow stick and balloons.  I like Birthdays!


Parental addition: we felt a bit odd entering a camera store to buy a camera for a 2 year old, but she kept taking ours and taking pictures... and the owner right away said: "I got exactly what you need".

And he did. That made us feel better...  We will post some of her pictures - just a small selection as she already has around 100.


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