May 16, 2013

Seven Spirit Bay - more pics

 During the day, we explored the bush, beaches, bogs and bayous and in the evening we enjoyed rum and coke along with excellent dinners on the balcony of the resort while watching the sunset and Snappy the resorts "pet crocodile" lazily cruising the small bay...

Dinner! - we caught all of our dinners. We have never fished in more prolific water.
Many were too big for the tackle.


                                                        wild Bantangs on the beach

On second glance, they aren’t birds, they’re bats.  Fruit bats with 5 to 6 foot wing spans and voices that sound like the wind met house music.  Very cool animals. 
If you ever want to see what the world must have looked like a few hundred years ago, other than the Arctic or Antarctic, Seven Spirit Bay should be on the top of the list.


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