May 26, 2013

Day 51 to 56 - Sydney - Royal Botanic Gardens

"Please walk on the grass. We also invite you to smell the roses, hug the trees, talk to the birds and picnic on the lawns"

                                     the Sydney office
                                                    ...Cockatoos, Sydney's Pigeon
A plaque at the Garden's entrance caught us by surprise, and we wanted to find out more.   It read: 
"Erected by Members of the Desert Mounted Corps, and friends of the gallant horses 
who carried them over Sinai Desert into Palestine,  1915 - 1918.
They suffered wounds, thirst, hunger and weariness
almost beyond endurance, but never failed.
They did not come home. 
We will never forget them.
To the Horses of the Desert Mounted Corps"

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