May 12, 2013

Seven Spirit Bay - the adventure continues

The nature walks were nice too!  
Just outside our cabin, we saw a snake you should "avoid touching".  He surprised the staff (and us) as they are "quite rare". Our host, Leath, was pretty excited over this find and carefully relocated the little guy to a "safe place".
We met another a little later during a walk. Leath got even more excited over this one, as he had been looking for this type for some time, but had not found any.   He wanted to bring him back to the lodge to show Jasmine (our other excellent host for the week) as she "would have really liked him", but unfortunately the snake did not cooperate.
This got us talking, and as it turns out Leath and Jasmine have a pet desert woma python that hangs with them, you know, "watching TV and stuff" out at the wilderness eco lodge North of Kakadu on the tip of the Cobourg Peninsula.

Ziggy Stardust was much nicer than the first two snakes.

After this first day experience, it made it quite odd to leave our cabin in the middle of the night to walk to the outdoor (and very nice) bathroom, especially when something large - like a 5 inch Cane Toad, suddenly jumps out of the darkness...
This does not even begin to cover what we saw on the first day, it is a truly remarkable place. 
Beautiful, wild and remarkable. 
More soon...

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