May 17, 2013

Day 43 & 44 - The Ghan - train ride from Darwin to Alice Springs

There are many ways to travel.  Commercial planes, with their security checks -removing clothes and  emptying bags (I am sure that someday they will have us all in hermetically sealed secure pajamas before boarding) - then rushing to the gate,  a little nervousness at take-off, landing, and in turbulence and finally there is the waiting for luggage. The main goal is to arrive alive and on time. For most (commercial aviation appreciators aside) it is all about the destination.

Then, there are fast trains, especially the fast trains of Japan. Their note of glory is speed, and they show it off. While the ride at first is exhilarating, soon the world is just blurring by and you again are thinking about getting there, wherever there may be.

But there are exceptions to this 'get there' rule.  One, that is often forgotten today, especially if you are not 65+, is the old and slow sleeper car train.  We ended up on one, The Ghan, from Darwin to Alice Springs across the big empty of Australia.  The two days we spent on this train were a wonderful example of such experience.

It was definitely about the journey, not just getting there: A large cabin, nice meals, relaxing times, watching the beautiful landscape, the sunset/sunrise, and watching Choci jump on the bed giggling, giggling and giggling...    wonderful memories.

If you ever happen to end up in Darwin Australia, take the Ghan when you leave, it is a good way to travel and helps you remember that life is a jouney... a wonderful journey.

Maybe next time we will try riding cross country on 1971 Raleigh Sport bikes... oh wait, already done that one...  :-)   life is good!


  1. Beautiful pictures and I love reading your accounting of the trip. What a truly remarkable journey this is and a lifetime memory bank for all of you. Godspeed and enjoy every moment as it appears you are!
